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Match Light Fire Pit Kits

Easy to install, low maintenance, budget friendly

Match Light Kits

Easy to Install, easy on the budget, low maintanence

Often referred to as Match Lit Kits, these are the simplest of the four main fire pit ignition systems.

To operate, you open the gas valve manually using the gas valve key or shut-off valve and light the burner with a long match or taper. On most models, the flame height adjustment can also performed via the gas valve.

All the leading manufacturers have a range of match-lit kits available in standard configurations. Various shapes, including square, round, linear, and rectangular come in different styles such as drop-in, flat, or lipless.

Due to their simplicity, Match Light Kits are ideal for DIY backyard projects; they are quick and easy to install, simple to operate and maintain and create a great-looking fire pit.

Many can easily be upgraded to a more advanced ignition system later if required.

Basic Installation Requirements & Info

We strongly recommend reviewing the manufacturer’s installation manual to understand the specific requirements for clearances, ventilation, and other details before constructing the structure.

  • Ventilation – Proper through-ventilation is essential for all gas fire pits. Typically, fire features up to 200,000 BTUs require a minimum of 18 square inches of venting on two opposing sides. Higher BTU ratings may necessitate larger or additional vents. Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific venting requirements.
  • Drainage – Sufficient drainage is equally important to keep components dry and ensure long-lasting performance.
  • Access – For those using a 20 lb propane tank, the fire pit design should include a door for easy access.

Drop-In Pans offer the easiest installation and require the simplest fire pit design. The pan drops into an opening in the top surface of the structure and is supported by its lip or flange which frames the burn area.

Drop-In Pan with Gas Connections and Gas Key Valve

Flat and Lipless Pans require a built-in support lower than the top surface of the structure. Once installed with fire media no part of the pan is visible.  

Flat Pan with Gas Connections and Gas Key Valve

Match Light Kits – What’s Included?

The configuration changes from brand to brand, however, generally the Kit consists of a pan and burner with gas connections featuring gas lines and either a gas shut-off valve or a key valve. 

Propane versions will also include an air mixer valve if necessary and a regulator if the model is designed to be fuelled by a 20lb propane gas bottle.

Quick Comparison of Brands

AFG Match Lit Gas Connections

American Fire Glass Match Light Kits are supplied with a flexible gas hose and a shut-off valve.

Match Lit Flame Sense Fire Pit Kit Gas Connections

HPC Fire Match Lit Kits are CSA Certified and come ready-assembled with 36″ Gas Flex Line, Gas Key Valve, Chrome Key, and Valve Mounting Bracket.

Fire Pit Match Lit Ignition System with Flame Sense

The Outdoor Plus offers the LC Certified Match Lit Flame Sense Kit. While it is manually lit using a match or taper, it includes advanced safety technology that monitors the flame and automatically shuts off the gas if the flame goes out or fails.

Maximizing Potential and Alternatives

Simple match-lit kits are typically limited to a lower BTU range which usually corresponds to smaller burners.  Generally speaking, the larger the burner (dimension) the higher the BTU Rating. 

Kits with Spark Ignition or Flame Sense safety technology may allow a higher BTU range but the widest range of sizes and outputs can be found with Electronic Ignition.

The components are often sold individually, allowing for customization and replacement of specific parts as needed. See Pan & Burners , Gas Connections, and Burners.

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